Most often, the cause of scoliosis is unknown, and is referred to as idiopathic scoliosis. More than 80% of people with scoliosis have idiopathic scoliosis, and many of those are adolescent girls. Besides idiopathic, there are three additional types:
Treatment options for scoliosis will depend solely on the severity of the curve and if it seems to be getting worse. If the patient is done growing with just a slight curve, they may just need some physical therapy to help strengthen the muscles around their spine. However, if the patient is still young and has a significant curve, bracing will be considered. Doctors may also recommend surgery to correct the curve with a series of screws, hooks and rods, and a fusion to help keep the vertebrae in place.
If you have an abnormal curve in your spine and suspect that you may have scoliosis, relax. The doctors at the Florida Spine Institute are very familiar with this condition and look forward to helping you get back on track with treatment and recovery.