Patients of the Florida Spine Institute talk about their treatment experiences.
Karen Shoenberg talks about how she was relieved of chronic pain
with a breakthrough treatment by Dr. Hanna.
David Brown received treatment of his herniated disc with a spinal
surgery performed by Dr. Webb.
Patricia Alfieri talks about her experience of frequent seizures and
the treatment she received from Dr. Figueroa.
Dina Reeser explains how she found relief from her back pain
with treatment by Dr. Gerges.
Susan Branham shares her experience with disc degeneration,
RFI treatment (radio frequency) and Dr. Bouchlas and Dr. Hanna.
Dhanwatie Ramsaran suffered from leg pain associated with a spinal issue
and talks about results of her spine surgery.
Michael Terry’s pain from a bulging disc condition was treated with
epidural steroid injections by Dr. Torres.